
When the Door Closes

My secret life as a poet, writer, photographer…



Look behind,
thou shriveled stem,
and gaze upon
the shadow of thy old self,
but fear not
thy careworn petals
for Spring comes anon,
restoring former glory –
a triumph of exquisite splendor.


Posted for #photo101, day 20, theme: Triumph
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At the Edge of the Gate

At the edge of the gate,
the bougainvilleas blossom
just out of fingertip reach,
flaming in the afternoon sun.

But only minutes pass
before the brightest star sinks
and the fiery velvets dim,
just at the edge of the gate.


Posted for #photo101, day 18, theme: Edge
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I spy
through the kitchen window
a chime
tinkling with the wind,
its piece
utterly dependent
on a breeze.

Posted for #photo101, day 17, theme: Glass
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I’ve only ever watched one sunrise, and I was so busy photographing it, I almost missed the bittersweet ascent. Perhaps after the 10th shot, when I lowered the camera away from my face, I realized that by observing the sunrise through one eye via the viewfinder I not only missed the essence of the entire event I was almost oblivious to the subtle shifts in color of the landscape around me. All I thought about was white balance, AF/MF, and shutter speed. So, I put the camera down and just watched as light painted the land.


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Posted for #photo101, day 5, theme: Solitude



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The path, alone, remains fixed
and, whether in idleness or haste,
’tis you, voyager, who must move.
So, place a sole on the ground
and let the journey begin.

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The light in the dark,
the shelter in the storm,
the main mast – the tiller


Photography 101 has begun!
First assignment: Home




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